Throughout college, I have ensured that I am adequately involved in activies. When this is the case, the exceptionally important skill of time management must be learned. Throughout my college experience, I have gradually increased my aptitude at this.
During my first semester of college, I took 16 hours and did not have a job. I have made great strides, as I currently am taking 21 hours of credit this semester, along with working about 15 hours per week. In retrospective, I can see by example that my time management ability has improved exponentially.
The importance of learning this skill now affects many other aspects of life. This has helped me to become much more effective at studying. I have discovered the true meaning of work smarter, not harder. I predict this skill to facilitate my education in professional school, along with my career afterwards. By being good at time management, I will be able to accomplish more work in a given time period than someone who is a poor time manager.